there was a big shark thing down at he beach on sat. The lifegaurds had to call everyone out of the water as a shark was spotted 50 ft away from a swimmer... There were helicopters and eveything, it was a pretty big deal!
Hello Hello
Well just as I suspected time has flown by and ive already been here a month!!!!I cant belive it!! Lifes great here and Ive now made some really good friends(check out the pics....sorry marie!!) I have been working lots and the family is really great, they give plenty of time to go exploring. On sat night i stayed at the hostel with marie, that was interesting, people from all over the world!!! Ive gone out lots and gotten right hammered a few times as well(maries a bad influence) haha, as am I...Um wat else to say....its been pretty cold here, it gets really chilly at night. I havent really been saving much money cause i always go out durring the day then staying out for the night and end up having to buy myself a ya hope all is well with everyone and I miss everyone!!
well it has been 2 months now and I am still kickin!! Not much new too write, though because I stil havent left sydney...I guess a big thing is that Marie and I have set our plans in motion and have been looking at campervans, and will proballly be buyin one in the next couple weeks! Our plan is to head out the beggining of feb! Where too...were not quite sure, we'll probally drive up the coast tilll we find a nice little town(and work)tyo settle down in for a month or so...we dont wanna stop somehere for more then a month so that we experience as many places as possible!A couple of my friends from canada, kevin and tyler are leaving sydeny tomorow because they couldnt find tonights gunna be a good one! okay well im gunna go swim in the pool!
Hope all is good with everyone!, and stay warm!
Ok so now your updated i ill add a buncha pictures!!